It shouldn't have been this hard
It shouldn't have taken this long
I felt like I was doing something wrong any way I chose to go
It's you
Would I dare betray you and walk the other way?
I should've. I could've.
But I felt something pulling me, capturing me, keeping me from ever escaping
It was numbing
It's all you
Alas, I pondered like a little kid,
What it would be like to feel the sun's embrace
What it would be like to feel the softness of grass beneath my scarred feet
It was promising
It's always you
Apathy you wore like a leopard wears its spots
My ignorant little mind took it for sophistication
Lies you sold for my sanity, I took for love
It was suffocating
I'm here because of you
I'd forgotten all things beautiful, in the disbelief you'd be
the one to take what I earned away
And I know now what I have to do
My faith that turned the colour of the sea begs to be saved
But we're all human
Yet here I am, a renegade on his knees
Waiting patiently for your forgiveness.